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Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a student of UKM’s Medical Faculty?

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Did you also know that our students have a unique sense of humour and are not that nerdy, after all. Read on to find out more about our students and what they think about the following questions that were asked at random.


Q1: Would you rather have unlimited time or unlimited money?


Respondent 4:

For me, I would choose unlimited money because I think if you were rich, you buy time. Doesn’t that make sense? I mean, if you were rich, you can make people follow your time.

Respondent 1:

I would say unlimited time, because if I we had unlimited time, we earn a lot of money still, and the thing is you can have a lot of things you can do for yourself. You will have enough time for yourself, and you can do things to benefit the society. You can actually achieve all your dreams in your bucket list, 1 to 100, you can achieve all that, you won’t suddenly be “I’m too old to do this.”

Respondent 4:

But still, unlimited money.

Q2: You have been paid a million ringgit to do one of these things for a whole day. Would you rather… be invisible to everyone or be recognized by everyone wherever you go?

Respondent 4:

I will just be invisible. You have unlimited money, and you are invisible, you can do everything.

Respondent 2:

I also agree… Invisible, ok.

Respondent 3:

I think we collectively choose invisible, right?


Would anyone of you choose to be recognized by everyone?

Respondent 3:

I’m too introvert for that!

Respondent 2:


Q3: If you get to add one colour to the rainbow, which colour would you add?

Respondent 3:

Ok, I will definitely add pink. Because pink is my favourite colour.

Respondent 4:

My favourite colour is purple, but it is already there… So, I think… I think I would like to add white in the middle? White, yeah… Just like my soul 😊


Between orange and… yellow?

Respondent 4:

Between purple and… indigo, is it?


Ah, yes.

Respondent 2:

For me I think I would add black colour. Well…it’s like that, it’ll look more natural. It looks more…… organized, right?

Respondent 1:

I think the rainbow is perfect as it is. I think the colours now are very nice.

 Q4: Do you prefer online or f2f classes?
Ok this is a cliché one.

Respondent 2:

For me, I can’t really make a choice, because it depends on my mood, I think? If I feel like going face-to-face, then face-to-face, it is. If I feel like attending it online, then ya, online it is. That’s it.


Is there a special reason? Like which one makes you pay more attention in class or something?

Respondent 4:

When talking about paying attention in class, I feel both have it’s drawbacks because, to me, if I had face-to-face lectures, I would feel very sleepy, if it’s online, then, I would not look at it at all. 😉


Respondent 2:


It happens… it happens.

Respondent 4:

Yeah... This is my opinion… if you have an online class, you feel obligated to watch the recorded video back… I mean, that’s for me... but… for face-to-face classes, even if you sleep during the class, I don’t know why, but I don’t have the urge to rewatch the recording… It’s like… I feel like ‘I’ve attended the lecture’…

Respondent 3:

I think…… I have the same opinion.

Respondent 1:

I think actually we should rather have a mixture... As in, we should have face-to-face classes, but retain the recording, like the current practice… So that’s very good, as you get the benefits of both.


 Q5: Alright, so let’s move on to the fifth question. What do you think of French fries dipped in carbonated drinks?

Respondent 4:

This is my honest, honest opinion. If you eat fries separated with carbonated drinks, doesn’t that still go into your stomach? Ah, ok… So yes, I usually dip nuggets in coke, but French fries is with ice cream, it goes with ice-cream. And also chicken. Spicy chicken also goes well with ice-cream… yes…. You make me hungry, this is iftar.

Respondent 1:

I was curious, like how it taste… yes, I tried it before… I don’t really care for it... But what she said, if you dip it in ice cream, its really nice. Ya, fries and ice cream is nice.


I think its Sundae, someone put it with Sundae ice cream, right? Sundae ice-cream with fries… I know my brother does that.

Respondent 1:

The sundae cone, is it?


Ya, ya…

Respondent 2:

Sundae cone with fries… I think it's ok.

Respondent 1:

Have you tried fries, with sauce, and coke?

Respondent 4:

Ya, fries with sauce is a must, but if you have ice cream, of course fries goes with ice cream.

Respondent 1:

No, I mean all three, like, the fries, I dip it in ketchup, and then later….

Respondent 2,3:

That’s weird! Ya… very weird.

Respondent 4:

Ok, that’s just absurd, bye bye.

Respondent 1:

But I think there’s no harm in trying.

Respondent 4:

Ya… as I said, everything goes in, in the end.


Q6: Ok, that was fun. Question number six, If a meteorite is going to hit Earth in one month’s time, would you rather spend this month living in your dream house or travelling the world?

Respondent 4:

I would like to travel around the world, but then, I would like to have my dream house in every part of the world.


Respondent 2:

Wow, you’re really rich.

Respondent 4:

It’s my dream. 😊

Respondent 3:

So you would choose both?

Respondent 4:



Respondent 1:

Actually, if a meteorite is going to hit the earth, I would spend that one month trying to relocate from earth.


Respondent 1:

But, if given the choice I would travel the world. Because I haven’t done that yet. Live in dream house… I think it's meaningful, but it would be more meaningful to travel the world. For me, ya.

Respondent 2:

I would choose… living in a dream house, because like, if you live in your dream house, along with your family, I think it’s more meaningful.

Respondent 2:

You can travel the world with your family. Or as mentioned, if you have unlimited money, then you can travel the world with your family and build your dream house everywhere in the world.

Respondent 1:

But is it kind of possible, to build a dream house everywhere?...

Respondent 2:

With unlimited money…


Respondent 3:

Maybe, yeah, I choose travelling the world, because the meteorite is going to hit the earth right? Before it completely hancur, dah takde tempat tu…. See it for the last time… ya…

Respondent 1:

Actually a lot of things we don’t see, we miss out a lot. Like last time, have you heard of a quagga? It’s a cross between a horse and a zebra. It’s very cute, it’s very unique. But the problem is we can’t see it because it already went extinct. So, ya, we miss out a lot of things we can’t see.

Respondent 4:

Yeah one more thing I would like to add. If the meteorite is going to hit Earth, of course it would be good to travel the world because if you stay in your house in the whole one month, then you would feel sad.

Respondent 3:

Like distracts?

Respondent 4:

Ah, ya…

Respondent 1:

Yeah… If you will be with family and friends, then to me it’s ok. One more point is, if you travel the world, the whole world will become our home, you know. Like you can make the world our home.

Q7: We constantly complain that we don’t have enough time, right? So let’s say, you suddenly have 25 hours per day. What would you spend the extra hour doing?

Respondent 5:

Definitely to sleep!

Respondent 4:

She waited six questions to answer this one.


Since you only answered one question, would you like to add on more? Like how many hours do you sleep per day?

Respondent 5:

As many as possible!



Ok, good one, good one, thanks.

Respondent 1:

We all agree right?

Respondent 4:


Respondent 1:

If I had 25 hours a day, I could reach the 8 hours (sleep) required.

Respondent 4:

I could add another YouTube video in that one hour.



Q8: Do you prefer early mornings or late nights?

Respondent 4:

Late nights, for sure.


Well, ok!

Respondent 4:

But then early morning, what do you mean early morning? Like what time?


Like maybe 4-5am?

Respondent 1:

Early might be different for people. Some people say early morning is 11am, for some people early is 5am.

Respondent 4:

I prefer at night, but then it goes on to the morning.


Is it before or after your rest time? Would you rather spend more time before sleeping? Or after sleeping?

Respondent 4:

Before sleeping.

Respondent 1:

Actually, it depends on what activity. If it is just chilling, not stressful, then late nights. If it is something like studying… supposed to concentrate, then no. Cause sometimes when you do something that requires a lot of focus at night, you tend to feel tired, and then give up. Like ‘No, cannot lah, never mind tomorrow lah’


Like, the focus is better in the morning?

Respondent 1:


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Q9: What do you think about pizza with MnM toppings? Another food question.

Respondent 5:

I think I would separate them to eat.

Respondent 2:

I would like to just pick them, and then pick them out to eat. And then the pizza just left it there.

Respondent 4:

I don’t really like MnM.


Is it too sweet?

Respondent 4:

No, it’s too chocolaty.

Respondent 1:

Ya, I think it would be interesting to try, but I don’t know how it tastes.

Respondent 3:

But I don’t think the chocolate……. the pizza must have tomato, right? But I don’t think…


It doesn’t goes well?

Respondent 3:

Ya, I don’t think it’s going to work.


Q10: There are two roommates, one snores, the other sleepwalks. Which one would you rather have as your roommate?

Respondent 4:

The sleepwalk, of course.

Respondent 3:



You mean snoring is noisy, so…

Respondent 4:

Ya, it’s very noisy. The sleepwalk shouldn’t really trouble me….

*Silence, then Laughter

Respondent 4:

If she ran into things, then I might punch her in the face. But if it's just sleep walk, there’s no noise, I would not know.

Respondent 1:

So it’s like zero-tolerance towards people snoring?

Respondent 4:


Respondent 1:

I can actually tolerate people snoring, so I’m ok. But if it's sleepwalking, it’s a bit dangerous. Because, you know, they might hit or collide into things, or fall down, and then injure themselves... So, that’s a bit dangerous.


Like when you wake up suddenly your roommate is injured?

Respondent 1:

Ya, that also.

Respondent 2:

I would opt for a roommate who snores. Like if she’s sleepwalking and… I might cannot even sleep. For the whole night I’m just taking care of her. No, no, it’s not going to happen. Ya, but, if she snored, then I think its fine. Cause if I’m asleep, then I would quickly blackout.

Respondent 4:

For me, I choose sleepwalk, because I don’t sleep at night. So, its ok…


Respondent 4:

I sleep late, so watching her is like one of the things I could do at night.

Respondent 3:

For me I would prefer roommate that snores. Sleepwalk cannot. Because I’m scared of…


Respondent 3:

If I see…… at the corner… I cannot.

Respondent 4:

You remind me…


Respondent 1:

You might even question yourself -- when you just woke up – is this a ghost or my roommate?


Very scary. Ada bayang-bayang di situ.

Respondent 4:


Tetiba dah keluar… Ada lagi atas katil.

Respondent 1:

Actually I have… Friends… no. But I have family members who sleepwalks. Actually its not that bad, even though they walk around, its not like they suddenly appear… show up, like, right next to your face.


Respondent 1:

They don’t do that.


Q11: So, lets move to some tricky stuff a bit. You are trapped in a room. One has windows but no doors. The other has doors but no windows. Which would you rather be trapped in?

Respondent 1:

Can we say neither?

Respondent 2:

Ya, ya, I don’t want to be there.

Respondent 4:

I would choose one with windows but no doors, because I could break the window.

Respondent 2:

Why don’t you choose doors? You can ask someone to open it.

Respondent 4:

Like doors, it will be fully closed, right?

Respondent 3:

Ya, (if you have windows) you can peek out.

Respondent 2:

At least if you have windows, you can breathe…

Respondent 4:

Ya, you can see the time. Day or night… ask for help.

Respondent 1:

But if door… like how to say… of course you can shout. If you can open the window, then you can shout. But if you can’t… I don’t know. You can knock the window loudly… Or, like, wave. But if its door, then you can only knock.

Respondent 4:

And you (people) can see from outside that there’s something wrong. I see something on YouTube, they try the quietest room ever, like if you can’t see, and you can’t hear, then you lose your balance.


Like we’ll go crazy, like that?

Respondent 4:

Ya, right.


I think it also depends what type of window, like some are totally opaque….

Respondent 2:


Q12: Ok, so let’s move on to another question. It’s the exam season. You’ve decided to spend the day studying. Would you prefer to be at the library or in your room or in the study room?

Respondent 1:

For me it depends. Cause I don’t actually study in my room for the whole… like, we have one week of study week. Because like two days I would go to the library, and then the other two days in my room. But if you ask me I prefer which one, I think I would prefer staying in my room. No reason.


Personal preference?

Respondent 1:

Ya… I don’t know, cosy maybe?

Respondent 2:

But for me, actually, I do prefer going to the library, but somehow from here, it’s quite far. And I feel lazy to go to the library. So, I stay in my room.

Respondent 1:

I’m actually ok with all 3, no personal preference.

Respondent 3:

I would stay in my room. I’m the type who studies quite noisily, I prefer to study in my room. I don’t want to disturb other people.


Q13: If you get a voucher to order any food for free, which food would you order?

Respondent 4:

Why do you ask a woman that?

Respondent 2:

There’re so many food…

Respondent 3:

And for free?

Respondent 1:

Is it insensitive to ask that?

Respondent 4:

No, no, it’s not sensitive, it’s too hard, you won’t get the answer right away.

Respondent 2:

When you are talking about food, there will be big problem for us women. For us, we have no idea what to decide for iftar.

Respondent 4:

You know what? We have a spin the wheel thing to decide what to eat.

Respondent 2:

Ya we do have it.

Respondent 4:

Show it!

How indecisive (we are)

It’s how we decide what we want to eat. But then and again, if we spin the wheel and we get a food that’s… something we don’t want, we spin again.


Respondent 4:

That is how hard it is).

Respondent 1:

I don’t think it just applies to girls or women.  Because… for every Malaysian also… there’s a lot of choice. It’s hard to choose. But I think I’ll agree with her, the one that is most expensive, or the one that gives you the most items to eat. Of course, you buy set, that one confirm, it’s going to be a set, or a combo. Then it depends on how many items.


Is there any set lunch that you would like to recommend?

Respondent 1:

Actually, there’s a lot of…there’s lots. It’s hard to narrow down and choose one. Maybe if someone has a personal preference……. They only like to eat this kind of cuisine, then maybe they have (set lunch to recommend). For me, there’s a lot. I wouldn’t go as far as to make a wheel, that is really, really…

Respondent 2:

We do have it right? See, the prove.


Oh, wow! ‘What to Order Spin Wheel’ (it was the title of the spin wheel shown)

Respondent 4:

We have street food, Donny, masakan panas, lunch box, Four Fingers…

Respondent 4:

There’s a lot... There are too many.

Q14: Would you rather… The heater be broken in cold weather or the air conditioner be broken in hot weather?

Respondent 4:

I would rather my a/c broken in hot weather. Because I think all of us Malaysians are used to hot weather.


So it depends on how hot or how cold?

Respondent 3:

Ya. And I think being too cold is more dangerous than being too hot? I think.

Respondent 1:

Ya, you can have frostbite.

Respondent 3:


Respondent 1:

But if too hot, then stroke.

Respondent 3:

Owh, ok. Um…

Interviewer :


Respondent 1:

I think… I agree with what she said, because we are more used to hot climate here, in Malaysia. But for me, personally, I cannot stand a heatstroke. I cannot stand it.


What do you think about the weather around here in UKM campus?

Respondent 2:

Sometimes it's unpredictable

Other respondents:


Respondent 4:

Not just in UKM but in whole Malaysia. Its very unpredictable.

Respondent 1:

Basically, whenever you go out, the chance to rain suddenly increases to 99%. And the moment you go in, the chance to stop rain becomes 99%.

Respondent 4:

You sidai baju at 3pm, you might angkat baju at 3:01pm.

Other respondents:

Ya… Correct.

Respondent 1:

No, actually the sky is very clear when you start to sidai. The moment you finish already…



Respondent 1:

Ya, you see like, mendung. And then you’re like hoping… And then the moment you masuk, it rains.

Other respondents :


Respondent 1:

And then by the time you finish picking all your baju, it stops.



I kena before also, like this morning, it suddenly started to rain.

Respondent 1:

It was raining when I was walking to class, and then when I reached, it stopped.

Respondent 4:

This morning it rained at six.

Respondent 1:

It went on until 7 something.

Respondent 4:

It’s a bit chilly today.

Q15: Last question. Do you like any desserts? If yes, what?

Respondent 4:


Respondent 3:

I think it would be ice-cream, like, even when I’m full, but I can still eat ice cream.

Respondent 2:

For me it would be ice-cream also. I bought like ten types of ice-cream one day, and ate all of it.

Other respondents:


Respondent 4:

Ya it’s the same thing like you bought the wood box…

Respondent 2:

Ya just like that…


What ice cream is it? Is it the box type?

Respondent 2:

No…it’s like the…


The popsicle one?

Respondent 2:


Respondent 1:

I also like ice cream, but I also like other desserts such as cakes, doughnuts, oh, then I feel bad… Puasa, kan?

Other respondents:

It’s okay, we’re used to it.

We’re used to it, yeah.

I’ve been searching for food. 😊

Respondent 1:

There are lots of desserts. I don’t feel like only one, preference.

Respondent 4:

I like ice cream and yoghurt… both, but yoghurt is not as… like you can’t get it as fast as ice cream.

Respondent 1:

And also Froyo, kan? Frozen yoghurt. The one that they serve it like ice cream.

Respondent 4:

Ya, that one. IIaoIIao.

Respondent 3:


Respondent 1:

It's IIaoIIao? Its Phillipino, kan? The brand, is it? It’s Phillipino.

Respondent 1:

Wait... How do you y’all pronounce it?

Respondent 3:


Respondent 1:

Like ‘y’? ‘Yaoyao’?

Respondent 3:


Respondent 4:

Now you have to try that one. Please give me incentive.

Respondent 1:

Is it frozen yoghurt, or ice cream?

Respondent 4:

It’s frozen yoghurt. Like ice cream, but it’s frozen.

Its delicious.

Respondent 2:

Be patient.

Respondent 1:

It is frozen yoghurt, but it looks like ice cream.

Other respondents:



Do you order it often from here, in UKM?

Respondent 4:

Kita tak pernah nak order, kan?

Respondent 1:

Boleh ke?  

Respondent 2:

When you order, dia cair.

Respondent 3:

Ya, dia cair.

Respondent 4:

You have to go to the mall and eat there.


What flavours are there?

Respondent 4:

The flavour is the same. But you have to put toppings, like some chocolate ke, peanut butter ke, caramel ke…

Respondent 1:

You’re like promoter for IIaoIIao.


Respondent 1:

Please give a happy discount to these three girls

Respondent 2:

Yeah, IIaoIIao girls.

Respondent 5:

I like every kind of dessert, like sweet Bobba drinks.

Respondent 1:

Any favourite place for Bobba?

Respondent 5:

Any also can 😊


Bobba is popular.

Other respondents:



Thank you to our kind respondents!

  • Bhelvinder

  • Ga Ing

  • Sharifah

  • Adriana

  • Nurwafa

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