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A Day in the Life of a Second Year Medical Student

Heyy there!


Life as a medical student is great so far, challenging academics, practicing clinical skills and the rest is just being chill and relax!! (Just kidding, study okayyy)


So what’s be like a day in a life of a medical student? (In the perspective of a second year rookie~)


Basically Year 2 is the last pre-clinical year before we start hopping onto postings in our clinical years. This is the last year we will be having boring informative lectures, practical classes and typical PBL sessions. Talking about academics, we will cover lots of systems in our body. Whatever normal or abnormal in our body, that’s the thing we will learn it in our second year, from cardiovascular system, respiratory system and whatever organs that exist in our body, we will learn it being dealing it with real patients.


Soooo let’s get started with a random schedule that summarises my day

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7.30am – The first alarm rang. It’s a blue Monday, but my mind wasn’t ready for a new week with packed classes. So I decided to slept back before facing reality


8.15am – Still being sleepy. But I had to step out to the bathroom to kickstart the day with some ice-cold water as it rained heavily last night.


8.45am – Packed my stuff up, clothes on, ready for a lecture on some digestive physiology. 


9.00am – Get in the lecture hall in time. Brought out my notes. It was a lecture about gastrointestinal hormones, saliva, defecation and a lot more. The lecture was informative but I fell aslept.


10.00am – Class ended on time. I packed my stuff and left the hall to thaw myself from the freezing cold lecture hall. And I read up for the material to prepare myself for the upcoming PBL session. It was a case about acute pancreatitis.


10.30am – Head up to the discussion room on level 5. Turned on my laptop and have some discussion with PBL classmates while awaiting our facilitator to start the PBL session.


10.40am – Our facilitator stepped in. We started reformulating the case and discussing about learning issues for the case.


12.15am – Done with discussing all learning issues and constructing a concept map for the case. PBL ended earlier (Yayyy). And we headed to the cafeteria for lunch after a busy schedule for the morning classes~


2.00pm – It was a pretty free day and I decided to head back to the dorm, while some classmates went to the library to study.


2.30pm – Was a tiring morning, so I decided to have a nap before revising about the lectures taught earlier.


5.00pm – Overslept!!! Was planning to wake up at 3.30pm. So I decided to sleep back again. 


5.05pm – Told myself to face reality and decided to flip through the lessons taught earlier and I was still blurry to diffuse all the knowledge into my brain (Brain loading 30%)


5.15pm – It was the moment I realised that my brain was not at a good moment to get any knowledge input so I decided to have a small jog to refresh my mind.


6.15pm – Had some sweat, headed back to college and grabbed something to eat. Then I had a bath. 


7.15pm – Sat back to my study table and now I was in the mood of studying. Opened up my notes and started my revision.


11.00pm – Feeling sleepy again and I jumped onto my bed to swipe my phone for a while.


11.30pm – Went to brush my teeth and packed for my notes and materials for the classes next day.


12.00pm – It’s the end of the day and I returned to wonderland after a not so fruitful but meaningful day.

Anddd that’s a day in the life of a second year medical student!

Written by: Low Yu Sen

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