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Moments in AMSC 2022

In this article, we will be interviewing Carmen, Arissa, Kaviyarasi, and Khadijah to share their experience about the Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) in Korea.

AMSC Team.

The team are build up from 3rd year medical students from National University Malaysia (UKM), who are talented and has held various leadership positions within the Asian Medical Students' Association (AMSA).

Asian Medical Students' Association Malaysia (AMSA)

AMSA Malaysia is a part of the larger AMSA family, which is AMSA International. AMSA International serves as the mother organization for medical students from Asia, Asia-Pacific, and beyond. It was officially established during the 6th Asian Medical Students’ Conference, where nine different chapters came together to form AMSA International. AMSA Malaysia is one of the chapters within AMSA International.


At present, AMSA International comprises of more than 25 chapters. AMSA Malaysia holds the distinction of being the oldest and largest medical student organization in Malaysia, and it is celebrating its 40th year of founding this year. Both AMSA International and AMSA Malaysia operate with similar principles, focusing on nurturing future doctors and promoting the values of Knowledge, Action, and Friendship.


AMSA Malaysia was founded by AMSA UKM. Currently, AMSA Malaysia consists of 19 Member Universities. The organizational structure of AMSA Malaysia mirrors that of AMSA International. It includes departments such as public relations and alumni, academic and research, multimedia and publicity, public and global health, and the Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program.

Asian Medical Students' Conference (AMSC)

The recent conference took place in South Korea and lasted for seven days. During the conference, various activities were conducted, including a tour of the hosting country, conference sessions with provided topics, and group discussions.


AMSA International organizes two flagship conferences each year. These conferences are known as AMSC and EAMSC (East Asian Medical Students’ Conference). AMSC is typically held during the summer season and consists of three main elements: academic, sociocultural, and community service activities.

Why Did You Join AMSC ? 


" The main factors attracting me to join AMSC were the opportunity to attend a physical conference and the location in South Korea. It was the first physical conference organized by AMSA since the pandemic began, allowing participants to meet and interact with others. I am also appreciated the chance to represent Malaysia and the favorable timing of AMSC compared to other conferences. The conference provided valuable learning experiences, exposure to diverse medical students from different AMSA chapters, and opportunities to learn about different cultures. "

Carmen, Regional Chairperson of AMSA Malaysia


" I am interested in joining AMSC as it was the first physical event by AMSA since the pandemic, and the location in South Korea was appealing. Despite the challenges of preparing for the conference during exam week, I managed to overcome them! "


" For me is the opportunity to travel, especially without my family, it was my only chances to travel as a medical student during the pandemic. I am also appreciated the learning experience of handling documentation independently, which would benefit my future travels! "


" My motivation to join AMSC was aligns with Carmen and Khadijah, and I am specifically interested in the topic of telemedicine, which drove me to sign up!"
Temple in the City

[JOURNEY OF                   AMSC 2022]

Amazing Journey in My Life

                            According to Kaviyarasi, the AMSC experience involved various activities over the course of several days. On the first day, there was a chilling period followed by introductions and bonding with group moderators and members. The opening ceremony included a traditional Korean dance performance. On the second day, they visited Korea University, specifically the engineering and medical faculties. The third day involved discussions about the telemedicine app. The fourth day featured research presentations and additional sightseeing in South Korea. The cultural night took place on the following day, and the closing ceremony marked the final day of the conference.


                            According to Arissa, AMSA Korea successfully incorporated the three principles of AMSA: Knowledge, Action, and Friendship. As the only Malaysian in her group, she felt welcomed and comfortable to showcase her social skills and interact with people from different countries. Arissa was chosen as the representative to present on the topic of the telemedicine app, which initially made her a bit nervous. However, she stepped out of her comfort zone and successfully presented in front of strangers. During the cultural night, the Malaysian delegates showcased various aspects of Malaysian culture, including traditional sweets, batu seremban, kompang, and food. The experience was enjoyable, and Arissa felt a strong bond among Malaysians throughout the process. They also visited booths from other countries and discovered surprising similarities. Overall, the experience was amazing for Arissa.


 IN AMSC 2022]

                       According to Carmen, she had a busy schedule during the conference but had a memorable experience on the second last day when her delegate friends took her out to try Korean dessert, providing her with a chance to enjoy and interact with her friends outside of the conference. Another memorable moment was when they went on a river cruise, proudly shouting "Malaysia boleh" while waving the Malaysian flag.


                      Khadijah and Arissa both mentioned that despite their packed schedules, they spontaneously went out to search for halal food in an unfamiliar place without prior planning. This spontaneous adventure became a memorable moment for them.


                      Kaviyarasi shared that she had the opportunity to go out for Korean BBQ and Karaoke, which she found unbelievable as she ended up singing a Korean song that day. During the cultural night, there were people who were curious about her attire, as they thought she was a Malay who didn't wear tudung. This became a memorable moment for her to showcase the multicultural aspect of Malaysia to people from other countries, highlighting the diversity within her country.

[“What have you gained from this journey?”]

- Everything you need to know you           have learned through your journey -

                  Carmen says the conference provided her with valuable leadership experience as she led a delegate group in a foreign country. It taught her patience and how to interact with diverse individuals. The conference fostered strong friendships that have continued beyond the event, and she takes pride in being Malaysian, as Malaysians possess cultural sensitivity and adaptability when interacting with people from different backgrounds.


                  Arissa emphasizes the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone. Being chosen to present during the conference was a proud moment for her, as it showcased her ability to overcome challenges and excel in that specific situation.

Khadijah reflects on how the conference highlighted the sensitivity and empathy that Malaysians possess due to their multicultural background, emphasizing that Malaysians are more attuned to the needs and perspectives of others compared to individuals from other countries.


                  Kaviyarasi acknowledges that the conference pushed her to step out of her comfort zone, allowing her to enhance her skills across various aspects of her personal and professional development.

[Obstacles Through The Journey]

“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”

– Molière.

                   As the Regional Chairperson, Carmen had a daily RC (Regional Chairperson) meeting after the conference. Despite exhaustion, all the RCs attended and shared feedback from their respective delegates. One issue discussed was regarding the food provided. The delegates requested halal food and food without beef, but they were categorized as vegan, causing them to miss out on a variety of food in South Korea. Another challenge arose when one delegate tested positive for Covid-19. Carmen found it difficult to convince other delegates to undergo quick Covid tests while they were enjoying themselves. Additionally, the lack of a clear protocol for managing a Covid-positive paadded to the rticipant difficulties, compounded by language barriers.


                   Khadijah concurred with Carmen's view, highlighting that the food issue was also the main challenge for her. They faced the task of ensuring they could adhere to their prayer requirements during the international event.


Dropper Bottle


"AMSA is a great platform for personal growth, emphasizing the opportunity to learn, expand social circles, and develop leadership skills. "
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