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" The V(We) Project 2022"

“Vaccine Nation, Ready on Mission”


The V(We) Project 2022 is an educational and awareness project under PERSIAP. This year, the tagline of the project is “Vaccine Nation, Ready on Mission” and it is the second year The V(We) Project is conducted. The aims and objectives of this event are to provide knowledge and exposure on vaccines, and the importance of immunisation to students and the general public accurately, to break the stigma that revolves around vaccination as well as debunk all the regarding vaccines, to prepare the public for the post-pandemic ear, particularly mentally, and to build strong social media presence to one day, become omnipresent in the public’s eye.


The organiser of The V(We) Project 2022 is the Persatuan Mahasiswa/i Fakulti Perubatan (PERSIAP). PERSIAP is the medical association of FPER that is not only responsible for academics but also the social affectability of students. Then, PERSIAP is also active in engaging in many activities that will enhance students to unleash their hidden talents and also enable them to incorporate with students from different courses in this faculty.


The target audience of this event is the general public while all year 1 medical students under the medical faculty of UKM participated in the physical event. Meanwhile, the committee members are made up of both year 1 and year 2 medical students. It was such a huge experience for them to collaborate with PERSIAP which focused on serving the community under the same aim which is educating the public on the importance of vaccination, including but not limited to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic around the world.


The event began with a series of competitions with vaccination as the main topic which includes The V(We)deo Challenge, Vaxpoet Challenge, and Meme competition. The V(We)deo Challenge aims to spread knowledge regarding vaccination to the general public by collecting interesting and entertaining short videos. Meanwhile, the poetry competition provides a platform for students to express their thoughts, emotion, or experience endured due to the pandemic while the meme competition aims to increase awareness of the public towards vaccination in an interesting way. Meanwhile, a myriad of infographics regarding vaccination had also been posted on the official social media of The V(We) Project 2022.

On 21 March 2022, the first-ever healthcare outreach programme, V(We) Wish was held at Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak (HPKK) from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The aim of this event was to instill knowledge about good personal hygiene practices and the importance of vaccination into the children in HPKK as well as bring joy to them. The officiating ceremony of The V(We) Project 2022 was held following the outreach programme at HPKK and it was attended by Datin Dr. Anita Sulong, Deputy Director (Diagnostic and Health Science) of Hospital Tunku Ampuan Besar Tuanku Aishah Rohani Hospital Pakar Kanak-Kanak UKM (HPKK) as well.

The climax of this event was the physical event held on 2 April 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bangunan Pendidikan UKM where it involved all year 1 medical students of UKM as the participants. The event started with an interesting “Squid Games” designed by the committee members and an exhibition called “A Journey Through Time” where various vaccines were discussed in different booths chronologically. Both activities happened concurrently and the participants took turns to join according to their groups. The performance of the exhibitors was later evaluated by the judges. The activities were followed by an opening speech by the Dean of UKM Medical Faculty, Professor Dr. Abdul Halim bin Abdul Gafar. After that, a panel discussion with the theme “Code Black: Securing The Future” was conducted. The panelists included Dr. Koh Kar Chai who is an active member of the Malaysian Medical Association, Dr. Amanda Ali who is a medical officer as well as Hashwin Singh and Chan Chee Mun who are year 3 and year 5 UKM medical students, respectively. Finally, the physical event was ended by the prize-giving ceremony and the closing ceremony, marking the end of The V(We) Project 2022.

  • Meme Competition

  1. Ng Wan Qi

  2. Chan Meng Xian

  3. Adam Neo Wei Meng

  • Educational Video Challenge

Theme: Be A Hero and Get Shot!

  1. PBL 9, year 1

  2. PBL 3, year 1

  3. PBL 13, year 1

Theme: Say Yes to Vaccine!

  1. PBL 15, year 1

  2. PBL 10, year 1

  3. PBL 12, year 1


  • VaxPoet Challenge

  1. Isabelle Sim 

  2. Jonathan Tan Wei De

  3. Faris Hamizan Bin Mohd

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