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It's Random

Hello everyone, it’s the random interview corner again! On a random day in June 2022, the public relation department of PERSIAP Editorial Board did a random interview with a random group of medical students. Curious about it? Then without further ado,  let’s checkout how these students respond to a series of silly and weird questions!

Q1: Do you believe in horoscopes? Why or why not?

Respondent 3:

Maybe I don’t believe it entirely. But I do see the sense that some do correlate.


Respondent 2:

MEQ is it…? I don’t believe it.


Respondent 1:

Not really I guess. 


Respondent 2:

I think it's just like…no meaning to it.


Respondent 1:

It kinda like generalizing everything.


Respondent 4 :

I don't really believe in horoscopes but I do find it weird how there are some similarities. For example, I am sagittarius and some of the info about my horoscope is similar to the kind of person I am. But I don't really believe in them.


Respondent 6 :

I don't really believe in horoscopes either. However there are similarities between people with the same horoscope. I feel that we shouldn't trust it too much since there is stereotyping based on horoscopes now.

Q2: What's a question you wish more people asked you?

Respondent 3:

I think maybe…I would like people to ask more about religion? I’m always curious to share, because my religion is Christianity. I wish people would ask me more on ‘What Christianity is all about?’. I can maybe share more.


Respondent 2:

I think about my life…


Respondent 1:

I think more about medicine.



Medicine? That’s a very relatable topic!


Respondent 1:

Yes, something that we can discuss and talk about.


Respondent 4:

I would like for people to ask me what I like or dislike so that we can be comfortable in every situation..yeah


Interviewer :

Yes ! I guess that helps to make sure staying on good terms.


Respondent 5 :

For me, I think people should ask about my personality so that they know about me. They can do what I like and avoid what I dislike.

Q3: If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

Respondent 2:

I will choose the 30-year-old body. Maybe I didn’t get to do much when I was young. So, I hope to get to do what I always wanted to do when I’m getting older.


Respondent 3:

I will choose the mind. I think as we grow older, many neurodegenerative diseases tend to occur, Alzhiermer’s…Prion….So I choose mind, it retains our knowledge and memories as well.


Respondent 1:

I think the body. As we grow older, we get wiser. Without the body, you cannot really do much.

Q4: What is the weirdest food combination people eat that you just can’t get behind?

Respondent 2&3:

Let her go first! *Laughter


Respondent 1:

My friend actually blended tauke and soya…yucks…



What is your reaction when you saw your friend doing this? Did you taste it?


Respondent 1:

Nonono…I’m in disbelief…

*Others thinking



Like pineapple on pizza? Milo and Maggie?


Respondent 2:

Boba (With Maggie)!! The tealive one! It was like the shitiest combination.


Respondent 1:

I tried it tho. It’s bad! It’s like mixing curry and something sweet. Sweet and hot! Nono, it’s not a good combination.


Respondent 3:

Seems not appetizing already…

Q5: If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

Respondent 2:

Him. (Pointing to Respondent 3) God save the queen.



Respondent 2:

Her. (Pointing to Respondent 1) UKM Varsiti Kita.






Respondent 1:

*Sigh* It motivates me to come to class…things like that. I’m very thankful that UKM give me the chance to study medicine. YES!!


Respondent 4 :

Most of my songs are quite depressing *laughs*


Interviewer :

Would you it's hard to choose just one?


Respondent 4 :

Yeah it's hard to choose one. There are a lot of songs that relate to my life. I chose one specifically.


Respondent 7:

I think my theme song is ‘Glimpse of Us’, you know? I can relate to it the most. It makes me reflect to my past when listening to it.


Respondent 8:

For me, I like the ballad songs, those vibing slow slow….



Any specific reasons why?


Respondent 8:

I don’t like those pop songs. Maybe because I like to spend my time alone. It calms me down.

Q6: What’s the weirdest fact you’ve ever heard?

Respondent 4 : 

Well I'm not sure how true this is, for me its “ every 2 or 3 person that passes us could be a serial killer”. Of course maybe not in here, maybe outside in the streets. I don't know if it's true though, it's just something I think about. So we have to be carefull! *laughs*

Q7: If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Respondent 4 :

Diary of an awkward teenager. *laughs*


Respondent 7:

I would just say… ‘The Rise of ____’, then put my name~



Respondent 7:

Because when I’m in primary school, secondary school…. I was not doing well in my academics. After my SPM, I would say, I did quite well. 


Respondent 8:

Maybe ‘Complicated Person’? Because… I don’t know lahh…




That’s why it’s complicated, hard to explain.


Respondent 8:

Because sometimes I’m an easy-going person, sometimes I’m very serious, sometimes I just let every situation… let them be. If I’m stressed and be kind, I will feel pressure over thinking. Not stable… I also don’t know myself~ AHAHA



You’re still in a learning process and exploring yourself lahh~ So you think your life is complicated.


Respondent 8:

Yes!! *Nod his head*

Q8: What did you want to be when you were 10 years old? Why?

Respondent 5 :

Around that age, I still wanted to become a doctor.


Interviewer :

What specifically inspired you ? How did the idea occur?


Respondent 5 :

It's actually because during my childhood…I get sick often and always go to the hospital. There was a doctor that always treated me…she was so kind. She inspired to be a doctor actually.


Interviewer :

I see. You aspire to become a doctor as kind as her.


Respondent 5 :

However, she already passed away.


Interviewer :

She must be very proud of you. You made it to medical school. Congratulations !


Respondent 5 :

Thank you.


Respondent 6 :

I wanted to become a stewardess…because of the glamorous lifestyle and they get to travel anywhere anytime they want without actually paying…but the most prominent reason was the glamorous lifestyle. However I changed it to wanting to become a doctor because its more realistic.


Respondent 4 :

Mine is the same answer.

Q9:  What will you do if you have a time machine?

Respondent 5 :

I want to travel to the future !


Interviewer :

Why do you want to travel to the future?


Respondent 5 :

*laughs* because I don't want to struggle !


Respondent 6 :

I would like to travel to the past to some specific time because i don't think I actually experienced what I should have experienced at that age…and if I were given chance to travel back I would do it all over again up to the full extent…so that I won't have any regrets now…because there are some things we can't really enjoy at a certain age. As we get older, it doesn't feel the same as when we were young. That's my opinion.


Respondent 4 :

I would like to travel to the past..because I have a lot of regrets. I would also like to..kind of not rush things and take time in doing things.


Interviewer :

Thank you, those were very interesting answers.

Q10: What would you do if you received RM 2 Million?

Respondent 6 :

Most probably at this young age, you would want to spend the whole 2 Million…but then to be more realistic people would ask you to invest into something. For me, its investment


Respondent 5 :

I would invest half of the amount and spend the other half with my family..for vacations..travelling around the world.


Interviewer :

Any specific places you have in mind?


Respondent 5 :

I actually want to go to Australia.


Interviewer :

Why Australia ? Are there any specific reasons?


Respondent 5 :

I just like the place *laughs*.


Interviewer :

I guess that is the end of our interview session.Thank you so much guys !

Special thanks to our respondents:

Respondent 1 - Serena Seet

Respondent 2 - Wong Jian Cong

Respondent 3 - Jonathan Tan

Respondent 4 - Nur Aisyah Binti Mohamad Noor Azman 

Respondent 5 - Thasleema Binti Shazahan

Respondent 6 - Amalyn Nuha bt Bazlan

Respondent 7- Raja Aidil Hasif Bin Raja Raziff

Respondent 8 - Nor Hidayat bin Sukeri

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